Month: October 2022

Logging in to our individual learner blogs

Today we finally got to use our own individual learner blogs. The first thing we had to learn to do was log in. From our class blog we found the link to our own blog and then logged in with Google. It’s great using all Google products because it makes the login process easy.

A blog post has a title and a body. We drafted the body of our post first to make sure that we were writing a quality blog post. Once our draft had been checked by a teacher, we copied and pasted the text into the Edublog.

The last thing we had to do was learn how to add a picture. Pressing the Add Media button took us to a screen where we could upload our visual blog profiles. Some of us created an avatar instead of using an actual photo of ourselves. We could format this picture if we wanted to – to change the size or the orientation of the photo in our post. 

We used the Preview button to check we were happy with everything and then it was finally time to press Publish. You can connect with our individual blogs by clicking on the widget on the right-hand side of this blog. Our first entries will be our personal profiles. Please have a look and leave a comment.


Personal Blog Profiles

Today we put into practice all of the things we learned last term about leaving a positive digital footprint. We remembered what we’d learned about what can be shared publicly and what’s better kept private, then we created our personal blog profiles. 

These are some of the reasons to blog:
-to share our learning with the world;
-to connect with an authentic audience for our learning outcomes; 
-to engage in interactions and decision-making with our peers, whānau and a wider audience.

Now that our personal blog profiles are ready, we will start writing in our individual learner blogs. You can connect with our individual blogs by clicking on the widget on the right-hand side of this blog. Our first entries will be our personal profiles. Please have a look and leave a comment.